Last, and the most difficult trading system to find, is one based on actual results. You may find a system that works with announcements, or one that works with indicators, but does it make money? There are even systems that base trades off the moon’s gravitational pull. And yes, even this system has testimonials. This is not uncommon and, in fact, it’s easy to replicate. If 100 people try something, there are bound to be a couple of lucky traders. Any system, to make themselves appear legit. They only need to post a few successful testimonials on their website. In reality, it may represent just a tiny percentage of their traders.
The point to take home is this. Any system that asks you to spend big dollars, before you can test it for yourself, doesn’t want you to do so. And there is a reason for this. You want to know that it works for both you and others. Ask for a trial run if it’s not offered, and make sure there is a community of traders you can access. Any group that gives you access to other members — via chat, online, or in local meetings, is likely interested in your success. It is a lot easier to hide something if you can’t see what is going on with others who have started or have been doing this for a while.
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